St. Catherine Sweepstakes Ministry Purpose Statement
“We are the ministry that supports other ministries.”
With a passion instilled by Sister Paula in the early 1980’s who wanted to build a Kindergarten to complete the elementary school program, the community responded and began the Annual St. Catherine Sweepstakes. The Kindergarten was funded and the Sweepstakes has endured providing financial support to so many other ministries while hosting an enjoyable time for all along the way.
The committee for the sweepstakes has a strong desire and determination to keep our Parish and School communities thriving, growing and empathetic. Those who serve on this committee are supportive of this important fundraising cause year-in and year-out and are dedicated to ensuring that the Annual St. Catherine Sweepstakes remains a vibrant ministry supporting important initiatives in our Catholic community.
Now, as in past years, our funds provide support to our Parish and School programs such as sacramental preparation and faith formation, our liturgical and pastoral care ministries; our computer labs and drama program. But really the children, young adults and families that make up our Parish and School community are the real beneficiaries.
St. Catherine Annual Sweepstakes is proud to be instrumental in providing real support to keep our local Catholic community and doing it in a fun manner that positively engages the community it benefits.
We are the ministry that supports other ministries.